Democrats have a plan. Instead of giving tax cuts to the wealthy, we can use the surplus to help people in need. If I were currently in office, I would be 100% behind this plan. Contact your legislators and ask…
Not only are teacher/school staff raises being put on the backburner during the special session, desperately needed updates to infrastructure like expanding broadband, workforce training, criminal justice reform, and more, may be ignored in favor of pushing through a tax…
Teachers have gotten a raise every year – however, that’s not the full picture. The year-to-year raises my opponent loves to flout is so minute that it doesn’t keep up with the increase in the cost of living, inflation, and…
ICYMI: My opponent doesn’t believe in paying teachers what they’re worth. He doesn’t believe they should be treated with dignity and respect when talking with them about issues that affect them. He’s only looking out for the richest Arkansans, not…
Don’t be fooled by the vote to give teachers/classified staff a BONUS, which is taxed higher, without discussion of RAISES, which is taxed lower. It is shameful that during the Ark. Legislative Council meeting Ladyman made a motion for the…
I support Chris Jones for Governor‘s plan for teacher salaries and I will continue to advocate for better working conditions for teachers and staff as well as raises they so desperately need. Teachers raises NOW >> tax cuts to the…
I’m an educator, student, and research scientist. My grandmother was an educator, and my husband’s family are educators. As an adjunct instructor, I know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck on a salary that doesn’t pay you for…