Wondering what the qualifications are to run for state senate? Here they are, copied and pasted directly from the Running for Office Handbook published by the Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners (https://www.sos.arkansas.gov/…/2019_Running_for_Public…, pg 11):
• Generally, a four year term of office; after redistricting following the census, some members serve a two-year term Article 5, §3
• Must possess the qualifications of an elector Article 19, §3
• Must be a U. S. citizen Article 5, §4
• Must be an Arkansas resident for two (2) years preceding election Article 5, §4
• Must be a resident of the district to be represented for one (1) year preceding thegeneral election Article 5, §4, AG Opinion 99-020
• Must be a minimum of twenty-five (25) years of age Article 5, §4
• Must be lawfully registered to vote Article 3, §1
• Must not hold any other state, federal, or civil office Article 5, §§7, 10
• Must never have been convicted of embezzlement of public money, bribery,forgery, or other infamous crime Articles 3, §6 & 5, §9
I meet all of these qualifications. I was born and raised in northeast Arkansas. I’ve lived in Jonesboro going on 11 years now. I’m 32 years old (I’m young but not THAT young, but I’ll take the compliment). I have a clean criminal record. I’m registered to vote as a proud Democrat.
A few may think that the above isn’t enough, that you must be a CEO to be a state senator. The vast majority of voters in District 20 aren’t CEOs, though. They deserve to have someone like them representing them in the state legislature. To that end, I think my background and experiences are much more relevant to the people of Jonesboro, Bono, and Craighead County.
I have a B.S. in Physics and M.S. in Environmental Science from A-State and two Associate’s degrees from ASUN. I have over 6 years of experience teaching STEM college classes. I worked as Director of the Student Success Center at UACCB where I managed a group of almost a dozen tutors. I’m currently working in a botany research lab and taking courses at A-State part-time.
During graduate school, I competed in A-State’s Business Plan Competition, which won 1st place in the graduate category and the Innovation Award. Additionally, I competed at the Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup and was a semi-finalist.
Looking at my hobbies, I sell my art and I used to tour around Arkansas and Tennessee with my former band (talk about herding cats). I grow some of my food and have a pair of chickens named Lucy and Ethel to help with sustainability and self-sufficiency.
I’m a member of the following groups: A-State Young Democrats, NEA Young Professionals, Democratic Party of Craighead County, Human Rights Campaign, Friends of the Library, Phi Beta Kappa, Arkansas Native Plant Society, and Arkansas Forestry Association.
Want to know more? Go to my website at chenoa4ar.com or send me a message! I’d love to chat with you.